Higher Harvest

Higher Harvest is my effort in the battle against Food Apartheid. It really disturbs me that in the USA there are people who do not have access to quality food.

Originally from Washington, DC, I went to the University of Maryland Eastern Shore to study Agriculture and Food Microbiology. I paid for undergrad and grad school school by working on farms.

I’ve been on this journey since 2006, and have given away over 10,000lbs of food from my farms and backyard gardens!

As a business I provide:

•Virtual Garden Consultations

•Food Education

•Garden Installation & Maintenance

•Garden Counseling

•Produce Boxes

Chase St. Project

This week I'd like to highlight one of my projects in East Baltimore. This garden plot was given to me by a fellow Master Gardener. When I arrived on site, I knew there was much work to be done. Before I go on, a little history on East Baltimore.

Chase St tells an all too familiar story of division between upper class and the marginalized of Baltimore. Separated by a freeway, West Chase St has some of the finest hotels and restaurants Baltimore has to offer. Crossing the I-83 freeway are abandoned buildings, a jail, and remnants of a once thriving middle class African-American neighborhood. Nowadays people avoid the east side of Chase St.

What does this have to do with urban farming? Everything. I farm to show others the joys of planting, connect communities and most importantly eat high-quality food!

Today I am sharing, the 30 x 30 plot I remodeled in one week, putting in 2 hours after work. As I cleaned the plot I found, bricks, car seats, and pieces of carpet. Add to that, the plot was overrun with weeds, bamboo and rotten fruit trees. All of which I removed by hand with my Fiskars Cutlass.

As of now there are 6 raised beds with eggplants, tomatoes, peppers, amaranth greens, purple hull peas, mint and chamomile.

I'll keep you all updated on the status of the Chase St. Project.

If you are interested in working together send me a message here.

Happy Growing!


Farm Visit: Whitelock Community Farm
