Higher Harvest

Higher Harvest is my effort in the battle against Food Apartheid. It really disturbs me that in the USA there are people who do not have access to quality food.

Originally from Washington, DC, I went to the University of Maryland Eastern Shore to study Agriculture and Food Microbiology. I paid for undergrad and grad school school by working on farms.

I’ve been on this journey since 2006, and have given away over 10,000lbs of food from my farms and backyard gardens!

As a business I provide:

•Virtual Garden Consultations

•Food Education

•Garden Installation & Maintenance

•Garden Counseling

•Produce Boxes


It all started when I was college student with no major. After a summer of cold-calling for Raymond James I realized two things, I suck at selling securities and this is not where I belong.When I returned to school in August, I also found that I had no housing. Long story short a friend connected me to rooming house and an eccentric rasta man who lived there was an agriculture major.

Almost immediately I fell in love with agriculture and everything to do with it. Ms. Corrie Cotton took me under her wing and mentored me until matriculation. The agriculture program at UMES took me throughout North and Central America for life changing internships and mission trips.

Ultimately under the guidance of Drs. Fawzy Hashem, Lurline Marsh, Arthur Allen and Patricia Millner I was given a mind for agriculture.

Here is the sad part. After grad school, there was a federal hiring freeze and job openings were scarce. I took a job as a valet. Within six months I was in management and have been an operations manager since 2014. Now I am shifting my focus to what has been bugging me for three years Urban Agriculture.

You can't out run your calling. Creating access to affordable high-quality food for all is my life mission. My hope is that through this business and blog someone will be encouraged to grow something to eat and feel the empowerment of food sovereignty.

Chase St. Project

Top 5 Starter Plants