Higher Harvest

Higher Harvest is my effort in the battle against Food Apartheid. It really disturbs me that in the USA there are people who do not have access to quality food.

Originally from Washington, DC, I went to the University of Maryland Eastern Shore to study Agriculture and Food Microbiology. I paid for undergrad and grad school school by working on farms.

I’ve been on this journey since 2006, and have given away over 10,000lbs of food from my farms and backyard gardens!

As a business I provide:

•Virtual Garden Consultations

•Food Education

•Garden Installation & Maintenance

•Garden Counseling

•Produce Boxes

4 Reasons to Grow!

Ecologically Responsible

My first summer job was cutting grass for neighbors. A well manicured lawn has a value that is immeasurable, aesthetically pleasing, and is a property value catalyst that is now a staple in American housekeeping. Unfortunately, lawns can be a poor use of resources and detrimental to your community. Water consumption of lawns average 200 gallons per person a day (NASA,2012). The chemicals for fertilization and pest management applied are known to leak into nearby rivers and lakes. This leakage better known as "run-off" contaminates environments for fish and other wildlife (EPA,2015). A healthy garden will help to restore the soil to its natural state. 

Economically Stimulating

Growing your own food is like printing your own money. The average cost of lettuce in grocery stores is $3.50 for a pound. There is an alternative that is friendlier to your wallet. A pack of organic seeds costs less than $5 dollars. Leafy greens mature in 30 to 40 days. Grown properly, one pack of seeds you can produce enough salad to last two years. There is also a commercial economic benefit. Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) will source from local growers (you) to meet their need. 

Connects Community

Farming is a community effort. In urban farming circles freely knowledge is shared, seeds are swapped, folks willingly volunteer to help, and best of all food is shared. The act of farming is the genesis of neighborhood change. Transforming your neighbor to an "Agri-hood" may foster the change you want to see.

Impacts Health

Urban farming is revolutionary. Counteracting the industrial food chain's toxic approach to feeding America. Homegrown produce tends to be organic and free from pesticides. There not as much processing of food equaling better  flavor and a longer life with homegrown produce. The physical activity of gardening could decrease obesity, reduce chronic illness, and less time at the doctor. 




Planning Your Garden