Higher Harvest

Higher Harvest is my effort in the battle against Food Apartheid. It really disturbs me that in the USA there are people who do not have access to quality food.

Originally from Washington, DC, I went to the University of Maryland Eastern Shore to study Agriculture and Food Microbiology. I paid for undergrad and grad school school by working on farms.

I’ve been on this journey since 2006, and have given away over 10,000lbs of food from my farms and backyard gardens!

As a business I provide:

•Virtual Garden Consultations

•Food Education

•Garden Installation & Maintenance

•Garden Counseling

•Produce Boxes

Planning Your Garden


I'm glad you have decided to grow something you eat. The next logical step is plan your garden. 

Here are 4 S's to consider

1. Sun - The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Fruits and vegetables, with a few exceptions,  require at least 6-8 hours of sunlight and some as much as 8-12. Where you start your garden should be along the path of the sun's transit.
2. Soil - I was taught dirt is what you track into your mothers house after playing outside. Soil is where food grows. Good soil is one where water drains easily and is free of toxic metals. A soil analysis is relatively inexpensive and will inform you of the state of your soil. I'd be glad to help you with completing a soil analysis!
3. Space - If you know what you would like to grow, on the back of your seed packets are spacing requirements. Allow those measurements to guide you in planning your garden.
4. Small - Sounds silly but start small. One lesson I learned early on is a garden could become so big that the amount of effort you have to put in to maintain it is overwhelming. Once that happens you end up with an eyesore in your backyard. Master growing 3-5 plants your first year then expand your garden as you see fit.

Happy Growing! 

If there is anyway I can help send me a message.


Top 5 Starter Plants

4 Reasons to Grow!